Looking for a food analyser? Use the Quant NIR analyser for your food & ingredients quality control

Analyse your chocolate and chocolate powder with Q-Interline's Quant analyser

Unique analyser solutions for the food and ingredients industry​

You can get a representative analysis of all product types from flour, emulsifiers and other powdered samples to edible oils for at-line analysis with the Quant analyser and the right choice of sampling accessory.​ We take sanitary sampling and representative measurement seriously.

Also, you get a stable in-line solution with fast return on investment and 24/7 online surveillance possible with the InSight Pro. Same base analyser and same technology is used in our at-line and in-line analysis solution.​

Representative at-line analysis for quality assurance

You can analyse nearly any food and ingredient sample with the Quant using the best suited unique and interchangeable sampling accessory. The base analyser and the technology are the same.

You can get a fully representative and non-destructive analysis of even heterogenic product samples. ​No cleaning is needed in between different samples. The sample containers are either inexpensive or reusable, minimising your costs per analysis.

The Quant requires no hardware maintenance, and the light source
and laser have an expected average lifetime of 10 years.

Try it out and see what you think!

Quant FT NIR analyzer from Q-Interline. Same technology for alle sampling accessories.
Q-Interline offers both in-line and at-line solutions for analysing plant-based drinks

Liquid analyser with no flow system and no flushing in between samples​

The DairyQuant GO is our popular analyser used by dairies all over the world. The analyser can just as well be used to measure plant-based drinks and other liquids. ​

The analyser is always ready for the next sample, requires no weekly or daily adjustments, and needs no cleaning in between samples.​

Easy and fast analysis of spreads and pasty products

With the Cup Sampler your sample is measured from the top. This means you can re-use the sampling container for several samples with no cleaning in between analysis of different samples.

The container is made of a plastic material making it safe to use in your
production area.

Analyse products like:

  • Spreads
  • Pasty products
Analyse your hummus with Q-Interline's Quant with Cup Sampler
Corn - analyse your starches from e.g., corn and fibres with Quant with Petri Sampler

Easy representative at-line analysis of powders

Using the Petri Sampler makes it fast and easy for you to prepare your samples. The petri dish spins during analysis mixing the sample for a fully representative result.

The Petri Sampler is ideal for analysis of:

  • Confectionary
  • Starches and pectins

Analyse your edible oils with our Vial Sampler

With the Vial Sampler you analyse your liquid in small glass vials. There are 8 positions for pre-heating and making samples ready for measurement.

Ideal for analysis of:

  • Edible oils
  • Emulsifiers
  • Cocoa butter
Edible oils - analyse your oils with the Quant with Vial Sampler

Fast return on investment with our in-line analysis solution InSight Pro​

You get real-time process insights with the InSight Pro. The same FT-NIR technology and same calibrations as in the Quant analyser is used in the InSight Pro and two measuring points can connect to the same analyser via flexible optical fibres.​

Analyse fat, oily and non-fat liquids, creamy products and powders. ​

  • Energy optimization
  • Faster start-up after production pause​
  • Stable process​
  • Less waste and rework​
  • Quality assurance
  • Predictability​
InSightView, intuitive and multilingual software for inline analyzer. For inline analytics. InSight Pro cabinet

Find the solution suited for your product

Find below your product and links to our solutions both for at-line and in-line.

Your productOur lab/at-line solutionOur in-line solution
Edible oilsVial SamplerInSight Pro with Transmission Probe
Cocoa butterVial SamplerInSight Pro with Transmission Probe
ConfectionaryPetri SamplerInSight Pro with Reflectance Probe
EmulsifiersVial SamplerInSight Pro with Transmission Probe
Starches & pectinsPetri SamplerInSight Pro with Spoon Probe
Plant based drinksDairyQuant GOInSight Pro with Transmission Cell
Q-Interline support on-line and on-site. Fast and dedicated support

With a support agreement we have your back

Select the support level that fits your business best whether you need full support or have your own instrument managers on-site.

The analyser doesn’t bring any changes until the results are validated and the results are used in a new way – you can get our support on data insights and using your data for quality and process improvements. We are committed and focus on your success with the analysers in both the short and long term.​

​The analyser is built to last. The support is designed to matter.​

Online surveillance for proactive reactions to issues​

With our cloud-based surveillance tool, AnalyticTrust®, you

  • Have your data automatically stored in a safe place
  • Get a 24/7 surveillance on instrument performance and variations in calibration data
  • Get an alert if an issue occurs, so you can react before it becomes a problem for your production ​
  • Can keep control of your data and always base your decisions on trustworthy results.

AnalyticTrust can be a part of your support agreement.

Online surveillance tool, AnalyticTrust. Illustration showing the data flow and opportunities.

Your NIR partner and sampling expert​

Your success and the value you get from our FT-NIR analysers are essential to us. We are more than a supplier, we are your NIR partner.

We are sampling experts, and we specialise in sampling solutions offering the best presentation and handling of product samples for your most representative analysis.

You get a 3-year hardware warranty, and no annual service is needed. Our analysers are built to last.

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